Monday, April 21, 2008

Todays Education System

What is what they're teaching us in school?
Like do i really need to learn a dead language like Irish? no!
Sure its great that they're trying to keep the language alive, but in fairness most people don't want to learn it. It should be an optional subject, definately not an important one like it is now.

We should only learn subjects that are relevant to what we're interested in and want to do as a career in the future.

We should do all subjects in 1st year, so we get to try them out. But after that , Instead of being in school from 8-4pm learning crap we don't need to know!

All weekdays are taken over by school, then i get 48 hours at the weekend to do what i like. That is not enough time. Weekends should be longer and school hours shorter.
Another thing is that smelly leavin cert. Obviously people learn all the subjects they do for the leavin and study just before it so that they get high marks in it to get into college or whatever. But what is the point? The marks only show that they have a good memory and are able to study. Majority of people, if they took the leaving cert a few months later again wouldnt be able to answer half of it. Because they would have forgotten everything.

So when it comes to college etc you're not going to know that stuff. So does it matter if you got a high score in your leavin? No its just a memory test, it shouldnt be important. Don't get me started on the junior cert, that thing should be banned all together.

If we were taught in a fun way, that made us listen and understand what they teach us in class we'd remember things and if leavin cert was gone we wouldnt be stressed out etc.

Conclusion : Education System is shit. leavin cert & Exams should go. Subject Choices should be optional.

Monday, November 26, 2007

People WIth Disabilities

This may sounds 'mean' but its fuckin' not! I hate how you can make fun of anyone but people with disablities. Just cause they're in a wheelchair or have down syndrome means you can't say anything bad about them and that there instantly a loving person that should never be harmed. I'd say alot of people even have it worse, just not in a psychical way. I remember coming across some fag in a wheelchair ages ago in the waiting room at the doctors. He starting having an anger fit because someone wouldn't help him get his money out of his pocket. Shut up man. You're not the only one who has something wrong with them. Just because we all dont have a big wheelchair to make it obvious doesnt mean we're perfect.

Conclusion : People with disabilities are the same as everyone else. Treat them like that

Scum of the Earth.


Ok so most of dublin folk hate them. All these knackers do is slag the shit out of everyone. Even the other day i was on the bus minding my own business. I then look around to see there that that horrible loud chipmonk music was coming from. This knacker then shouts there usual phrase shouted at me "Whaaa de fuck are you starin at??..State ah her" I think i glanced around for a second and barely looked at them and i get that! Thats nothing really but just an example. They start fights with everything and everyone and blare there shit music at the back of the bus. These people are a waste of space and need to be shot. I remember walking through stevens green park with Egg a couple of months ago, was looking around at how pretty the park was then out of no where this obese knacker girl walks through wearing a white tracky with a bottle of coke in her hands and a big coke stain on her top. Ruined my day! STATE OF THEM NOT US!

Conclusion : Knackers need to be shot and extinct. Or at least shut the fuck up

The Law

Alright, so I'm born here without a choice yeah? So why am i forced to do what a group of oldies say? Just because i live here or am a certain age i have to do whatever they say? Even if i moved theres still always fucking laws everywhere. But what gave them the power to decide all this bullshit? Example : The legal age to have sex is 17. So I'm not legally allowed have sex because they say so? What effect does it have on anyone else if i do this or not? Also I'm not legally allowed by cigerettes until i'm 18 or drink alchohol? Its MY choice if i want to smoke /drink or not. Its MY body and MY choice, not anyone elses. I don't think there should be laws for those type of things, (sex, smoking, alchohol, drugs.) I know you're thinking ''But then loads of kids and young people will be harming themselves with all the smoking and alchohol!". Well its their choice what they want to do with themselves. Everyone knows the pro's and con's of these things. If you want the enjoyment outta them you have to deal with the bad side effects. So putting a legal age on them shouldn't be nessacary. People should decide for themselves.If a 9 year old wants to get wasted, its there choice or not. People should be mature enough to know how to consume these things. Anyway young people should get to vote. Like teenagers. Cause why should these ow'l ones decide how we live our lives? Ugh I'm so becoming president one day..

Conclusion : The law is bent.

Christian Preachers

I hate walking through Town and having some old christian guy screaming at me saying "If you don't believe in God you're going straight hell" I'd really rather not have that Bullshit screamed at me along with pictures of "virgin" mary shoved in my face. Or a man screaming at the top of grafton street with a bible in his hand. Shut the Fuck Up! The only reason you want everyone to be a Christian is because you get money out of it. The amount of non christians that have to hear your bullshit is not cool. We just want to walk through town peacefully! Stop trying to convert people. Its really the biggest cult i've ever heard of. Leave us the fuck alone and go to a church and wank off to pics of young boys. Fuckin psychos.

Conclusion : Shut the fuck up . Christianity is a cult

Africans & Aids

You wanna help these poor dying Africans right? Instead of donating to charity and sending them presents at christmas. Send them a leaflet on how to STOP FUCKING! Or at least a bunch of condoms. Seriously. They're all dying of aids cause they can't get enough of the old Dick and/or Gee! Also if they're all dying of starvation and aids,why do they still keep fuckin and making more people in africa to look after?? If they just stop making babies then there will be less people. Which means less suffering! So either stop fuckin untill they become exstinct. Or kill them all. This may sound cruel. But its not. Its the complete opposite. And once they're all gone. There will be no suffering and us non 3rd world countries won't have to keep trying to help anymore. Also we can use the land thats left for other stuff! Its win win! Aw I'm a genius.

Conclusion : Africans stop fuckin. Get condoms. Die

Celebrity Magazines

Magazines that revolve around celebrities are pathetic. No one cares if some celebrity has a sweat patch or is currently dating someone. If you do care you're a moron...These Writers and photographers need to get a life and leave the celebrites lives alone! These celebraties are here to entertain us only. We don't need to know boring useless information about them! And there is no need to make fun of them either. Especially the ones like Britney Spears. Just leave them alone. I'd say shes better than you anyway.

Conclusion : Stop Reading this stupid magazines . Leave Celebrities lives alone