Conclusion : People with disabilities are the same as everyone else. Treat them like that
Monday, November 26, 2007
People WIth Disabilities
Conclusion : People with disabilities are the same as everyone else. Treat them like that
Scum of the Earth.
Ok so most of dublin folk hate them. All these knackers do is slag the shit out of everyone. Even the other day i was on the bus minding my own business. I then look around to see there that that horrible loud chipmonk music was coming from. This knacker then shouts there usual phrase shouted at me "Whaaa de fuck are you starin at??..State ah her" I think i glanced around for a second and barely looked at them and i get that! Thats nothing really but just an example. They start fights with everything and everyone and blare there shit music at the back of the bus. These people are a waste of space and need to be shot. I remember walking through stevens green park with Egg a couple of months ago, was looking around at how pretty the park was then out of no where this obese knacker girl walks through wearing a white tracky with a bottle of coke in her hands and a big coke stain on her top. Ruined my day! STATE OF THEM NOT US!
Conclusion : Knackers need to be shot and extinct. Or at least shut the fuck up
The Law
Alright, so I'm born here without a choice yeah? So why am i forced to do what a group of oldies say? Just because i live here or am a certain age i have to do whatever they say? Even if i moved theres still always fucking laws everywhere. But what gave them the power to decide all this bullshit? Example : The legal age to have sex is 17. So I'm not legally allowed have sex because they say so? What effect does it have on anyone else if i do this or not? Also I'm not legally allowed by cigerettes until i'm 18 or drink alchohol? Its MY choice if i want to smoke /drink or not. Its MY body and MY choice, not anyone elses. I don't think there should be laws for those type of things, (sex, smoking, alchohol, drugs.) I know you're thinking ''But then loads of kids and young people will be harming themselves with all the smoking and alchohol!". Well its their choice what they want to do with themselves. Everyone knows the pro's and con's of these things. If you want the enjoyment outta them you have to deal with the bad side effects. So putting a legal age on them shouldn't be nessacary. People should decide for themselves.If a 9 year old wants to get wasted, its there choice or not. People should be mature enough to know how to consume these things. Anyway young people should get to vote. Like teenagers. Cause why should these ow'l ones decide how we live our lives? Ugh I'm so becoming president one day..
Conclusion : The law is bent.
Christian Preachers
I hate walking through Town and having some old christian guy screaming at me saying "If you don't believe in God you're going straight hell" I'd really rather not have that Bullshit screamed at me along with pictures of "virgin" mary shoved in my face. Or a man screaming at the top of grafton street with a bible in his hand. Shut the Fuck Up! The only reason you want everyone to be a Christian is because you get money out of it. The amount of non christians that have to hear your bullshit is not cool. We just want to walk through town peacefully! Stop trying to convert people. Its really the biggest cult i've ever heard of. Leave us the fuck alone and go to a church and wank off to pics of young boys. Fuckin psychos.
Conclusion : Shut the fuck up . Christianity is a cult
Africans & Aids
You wanna help these poor dying Africans right? Instead of donating to charity and sending them presents at christmas. Send them a leaflet on how to STOP FUCKING! Or at least a bunch of condoms. Seriously. They're all dying of aids cause they can't get enough of the old Dick and/or Gee! Also if they're all dying of starvation and aids,why do they still keep fuckin and making more people in africa to look after?? If they just stop making babies then there will be less people. Which means less suffering! So either stop fuckin untill they become exstinct. Or kill them all. This may sound cruel. But its not. Its the complete opposite. And once they're all gone. There will be no suffering and us non 3rd world countries won't have to keep trying to help anymore. Also we can use the land thats left for other stuff! Its win win! Aw I'm a genius.
Conclusion : Africans stop fuckin. Get condoms. Die
Celebrity Magazines
Magazines that revolve around celebrities are pathetic. No one cares if some celebrity has a sweat patch or is currently dating someone. If you do care you're a moron...These Writers and photographers need to get a life and leave the celebrites lives alone! These celebraties are here to entertain us only. We don't need to know boring useless information about them! And there is no need to make fun of them either. Especially the ones like Britney Spears. Just leave them alone. I'd say shes better than you anyway.
Conclusion : Stop Reading this stupid magazines . Leave Celebrities lives alone
Black People Thinking You're Being Racist
Isn't it annoying that whenever you're around a black person or even any person ,that you can't say anything without them thinking you're racist. Like if i say I hate the colour black they'll instantly go "oOoOh you're so racist!" or if you call a black person a "black" person they get made. What am i suppose to say? Negro or african american ?? No! You call us white people don't you ? and no one gives a fuck! Also if a black person doesnt get a job or gets made fun of they instantly think "oh its because i'm black isnt it?" Do they ever think they didnt get the job because Theyre SHIT! or slagged because there a loooser! Not cause you're fuckin black. Get over Racism. It was around years ago. Now any race can do anything. So shut up. Also if you get slagged for being a certain race. Who cares...It happens. Be proud or whatever of your race and except that every race gets abuse.
Conclusion : No one cares. We're not being racist. Accept what race you are.
Reality Tv Shows
Whats with the shitty Mtv Reality shows. Like 'Laguna Beach' 'Living on the Edge' 'Big Brother' and fuck knows what else! I'm sick of wanting to watch some funny or interesting show on tv when this shit is permently on. Why do people want to watch a bunch of blonde little rich kids sitting around talk about there tiny "problems" like zomg some complete stranger to you ,may or may not break up with their boyfriend!! Who the fuck cares? These shows are boring shit and mind numbingly boring! Another few tv shows that are making kids act like poshies ! Destroy these "tv shows"
Conclusion : Reality shows are shit
Todays Shit Music Scene
Conclusion : New hip hop is shit and meaningless , screamo is just noise.
Todays Movies & Tv Ruining Kids
Ok whats with todays movies and tv shows for the younger people. Movies like High School Musical and shows like Hannah Montana and Super Sweet 16.. These shows are so fake and d4 that its making kids grow up like what they see on these shows. Fake and plastic! They need to watch non rich snobby OMG PINK YAY shows.. Like the ones that used to be on. Example: Sabrina, kenan & kel, Sister Sister. These shows weren't full of snobby little rich kids. And gay too. You wonder why so many kids are metro these days. Zac Effron is there Gay Leader. Enough said. When kids watch these movies and shows, they think they have to be like them, have designer clothes, lots of money, and act girly! Music videos with pimps doing loads of girls and girls barely wearing any clothes is responsible for kids having sex at the age of 12 and acting slutty. Its also the reason boys find it acceptable to treat girls like shit.
Conclusion : Stop watchin Preppy movies, Don't worship Zac Effron.
Preppy Naive People
People..who are all "" and think everythings great and excited about every little thing. These people need to be shot or at least fuckin smacked for being so fuckin naive. They think other people are being 'negative', Eh no love its called REALISTIC. They think the world is wonderful. Sure there is some good stuff , but a lot of shit out there too. Seriously i hope the shit out there fuckn throws dog shit on them someday soon and they aren't so preppy anymore then. Retards..
Conclusion : Preppy people need to be smacked. I'm not negative, I'm realistic. The world isnt great.
Madeline Mc Cann
Conclusion : "Maddy" is most likely gone. Its tha parents fault so stop fucking going on about it.
Self Harm Labelling
People labelling self harm/cutting as 'Emo'. People who self mutilate are not just 'emos' or 'rockers'. Depression and cutting can't have a label. Its a mental illness. Anyone can have it. Not just 'emos'. I've heard of many D4s to have cut themselves. They must just hide it better or are more ashamed of it. Many celebrities do too who arn't 'Emo' . For example 'Angelina Jolie, Princess Diana, Amy Winehouse, Ben Stiller and Johnny Depp. The list goes on.
Conclusion : Depression & Self Harm cannot be labelled. Anyone can have it not just 'Emo's'
Why do you people bother studying so fucking hard for something completely useless.I'd much rather have a fun youth then spending it doing homework or studying! ..Like..why are you studying for the mocks , Junior cert, its just a little practice test..It's not gonna ruin your life if you fail it. I did shit in my junior cert and it didnt make the slightest difference to if i got all A's. And if it did at least i could say ah well i had a good teen life! But yet your all studying for little class tests!!" Ohhhh no if i do bad they'll tell my parents"..So! what can they do?..Control your own life kids.Its worth it in the end..REBEL!! Like you're just gonna die one day anyway..maybe even dont bother wasting it all studying and then when u get ur job you've been studying all you're life for haha why bother your just gonna die.In school they teach us many pointless subjects. I wont even name its just too obvious which ones.Why can't they teach us subjects like philosophy. Teach us about life. Not things we dont need in life.People need to learn this stuff. Its far more interesting too.So cut the crap out.
Conclusion : Don't study. Don't worry about school tests. Get schools to stop teaching shit.
People Eating Meat
Honestly I don't get how people can eat an animal and think Its perfectly normal. Like come on people, it is the inside of a Dead animal..its flesh..blood and skin?? The animals are full of pestisides to fatten them up, for more meat which is seriously bad for you! its poison like! And also in each bit of meat thers puss..shit and blood. Nice! You think it would be pure evil to eat say a baby or a puppy! Why? You should either eat anything that was once alive and have a good reason or eat no living thing. Stop singling out things. Gaylords..So anyway..I'd much rather eat a baby as there far more annoying and useless...You're probably saying 'but humans are useful' no there not! loads of them are fuckin up the world or doing nothing good to it.I think we should eat them! Or you're also saying 'If we didnt eat animals they'd be over populated'.. Well the world already is with people but you dont go telling your one down in ballybrack to start wearing a condom and stop bringing more little fuckers into the world!! The world would be better if there were more cows then loads more fuckin knackers. Honestly which do you prefer? You wouldnt get started on everywhere you go. You'd just see a nice little cow. =] But you wouldnt actually have to many animals, as they are specially bread for meat these days. Animals are like humans, they have feelings, they have a mind and brain just like us, just because they cannot talk doesnt mean there not alive creatures!They feel pain , they get scared, they can scream. How would you like it if someone took away all your children? This happens to all animals who are mothers.People have depended on eating animals back in the stone age. But these days you don't need to eat them! There's plenty of other things to eat. Let them live already.Im sure you wouldnt like to be eaten!Don't give me this crap about needing your 'Prescious Protein' You can get it from other things besides meat! like peas, beans and lentils or Vitamin supplements!!I am your perfect example of not needing protein. And i quote from some retard "But duude you need protein or else you like don't grow man.." Clearly you do grow considering i've been a veggie since i was about 5 and im almost 6ft! I don't even eat much vegetables and im still grand! Doctors even said. So you really Don't need meat!Then also this other crap ' I have to eat meat my parents make me' Dude they may be your parents but you dont share the same fuckin stomach, It is YOUR choice..Dont let your rents brainwash you just cause theyre old. I know you're probably thinking im brainwashing you,but I'm just trying stop the maddness and make People stop fuckin about! There are billions of reasons not to eat meat and one reason to eat me : "It tastes good" I think you should think about the reasons and how satisfying your taste buds is murdering billions of animals.
Conclusion : Meat is Murder. Meat is full of shit. Meat is selfish. Go Veggie.
Religious Holidays Rant
Christmas! Argh where to begin..Basically its just a shitty commercialised holiday that is controlled by presents and the media! You should only be allowed celebrate christmas if you're a Devoted Christian! (Which I'm not, just stating the obvious)..Half the people out there celebrate it ,and a number of them are 'Athiests' or some other religion! Why not celebrate your own holiday and stop using christmas as an excuse to get presents you greedy bastards! I admit I used to exchange gifts for Christmas while I was still another religion..but that was when I was very young and didn't know any better and had no one to tell me to stop! But now i just exchange gifts for the religion I am ,kinda.. not really though...I dont really do the gift thing at all anymore. So as I was saying..If you're an Athiest...stop dancing around in santa hats looking like an idiot. You're an Athiest, you don't get a holiday Nothing against Athiests. They're just a great example.But it is the same for other religions, bar Christianity.Also why is it that Christmas gets its own special day where no ones allowed go to work.What about the non christians. They should work. What are the non christians suppose to do with no bus's running or certain stores open? Nothing against christians celebrating christmas..but do they have to make everyone else celebrate it too?It takes over two whole fucking weeks. When majority of people arn't even Christians.I asked a number of people why they liked Christmas and they all said "Because its happy and you get presents!". I thought Chirstmas meant celebrating Jesus Christs birth... Obviously not anymore. And the three wise men gave jesus presents. I know you can't give jesus presents but why give eachother them? And i know its not JUST about the birth Of jesus. Everyone says its about being with your family etc. Well even if it still just see it as a presents holiday. And not everyone has a happy family to celebrate it with either. Halloween. Now this is the holiday I celebrate. Because I am Pagan. Halloween aka Samhain is a Pagan holiday.So why does everyone dress up in costumes or have banners across their door saying 'Happy Halloween'. They all use it as an excuse to party and dress up. They think its just a fun "scary " random holiday.These people know shit and are tards.
Conclusion : Celebrate your own holiday. And these religious holidays shouldnt go to an extreme, like they do already.
Anyway I'll post up some rants etc on this when i figure it out.
I only got this when i was on Stephen Laws philoshopy page. Don't know what this is!
Yeah This is more of a philoshopy/ranting page!