Isn't it annoying that whenever you're around a black person or even any person ,that you can't say anything without them thinking you're racist. Like if i say I hate the colour black they'll instantly go "oOoOh you're so racist!" or if you call a black person a "black" person they get made. What am i suppose to say? Negro or african american ?? No! You call us white people don't you ? and no one gives a fuck! Also if a black person doesnt get a job or gets made fun of they instantly think "oh its because i'm black isnt it?" Do they ever think they didnt get the job because Theyre SHIT! or slagged because there a loooser! Not cause you're fuckin black. Get over Racism. It was around years ago. Now any race can do anything. So shut up. Also if you get slagged for being a certain race. Who cares...It happens. Be proud or whatever of your race and except that every race gets abuse.
Conclusion : No one cares. We're not being racist. Accept what race you are.
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